Frequently Asked Questions

Is Baka Glass cancelable on a monthly basis?


Yes definitely. Baka Glass is always cancelable monthly and you will never be stuck with ridiculous long-term subscriptions.

Can I transfer the data from my previous system?


It is possible to export all your data from your previous software program. This can then be easily imported into Baka Glass with our super handy tool.

Is it possible to have a standard list of products imported?


This is certainly possible. We have a standard list of the most popular and important products that we can import directly into Baka Glass. All you have to do is set the sales prices!

Can multiple users work simultaneously in Baka Glass?


This is always possible. Baka Glass is a cloud application that is always accessible via a browser. It is at all times possible for several people to work in the system at the same time.

Does Baka Glass have an app?


Baka Glass is also accessible on your mobile. We also have a field service app for glass assembly, delivery and installation.

Can I use Baka Glass directly on any device?


Baka Glass is always accessible as long as you have internet connection. So this can be done on any device with internet connection and a browser.

Can my accounting program be linked?


We already have a large number of accounting links that can be used immediately. Contact us and we'll look at the possibilities!

Is Baka Glass suitable for any kind of business is the glass world?


Baka Glass can be used for any kind of business is the flat glass industry. We ourselves have specific functionalities per glass company. For example, we have special functions for production companies, repair companies, manufacturers and self-employed people.

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