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The Baka Glass Event 2023: Discovery in Pictures

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On Sept. 15, 2023, the Baka Glass Event was held, a memorable day for the entire glass industry. The event not only unveiled the new Baka Glass building, but also brought together some 120 industry professionals for a day of innovation, networking and entertainment.

A New Start in Style

The Baka Glass Event began with an important moment: the unveiling of the new Baka Glass building. This new headquarters symbolized the company's growth and progress. Therefore, this was a great opportunity to host the event at this spacious and new location.

Networking and Indulgence

In the shadow of the new business location, attendees enjoyed the opportunity to network. This was not just another business event, but a chance for everyone, including suppliers, to exchange ideas and contacts. As they did so, they were treated to treats from not one, but two food trucks that had plenty of goodies to offer.

A Video for the Future

But the true highlight of the Baka Glass Event were the three impressive modules that were unveiled. The first was the Supplier Portal, which allows users to order products directly from suppliers from within Baka Glass itself. This eliminates time-consuming manual entry and minimizes errors.

The second module, Aiden, the smart AI, dazzled the audience by automatically checking prices and data, making human error a thing of the past.

The third and most impressive unveiling was the Baka Designer, a 3D glass builder that allows users to quickly and easily create complex glass structures and turn them into compelling quotations.

And here comes the fun part: we invite you to watch this groundbreaking video for yourself to experience it all in all its glory. The Baka Glass Event showed us that the glass industry is bursting with innovation and opportunity.

We hope this video will inspire and motivate you to attend a Baka Glass event next time. The future of glass is right around the corner, and we look forward to exploring it with you. See you at the next Baka Glass Event!

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